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Home » , » The Mobfathers

The Mobfathers

  • Judul: The Mobfathers
  • Genre: Comedy, Crime
  • Tahun Produksi: 31 Mmaret 2016
  • Durasi: 1h 34min
  • Ratings IMDB: 5.8
  • Rated: PG-13
  • Format: OD DTS R1
  • Bahasa: Mandarin
  • Subtitles: Indonesia, Inggris
  • Pemain: Chapman To, Gregory Wong, Philip Keung

Gang “leader” is the whole gang paramount total Zha fit person in charge of all the affairs in the decision-making gang. Over the years, their uncle in order to safeguard their own interests and power to maintain control of the gang, will elect a leader to take orders from them, as the shadow leader. Gangster has been on the leading position eyeing the “fire” word heap big brother jackals (Gregory Wong ornaments) uncle to introduce ourselves as a candidate, just released from prison and the “gold” word heap Gangster A seven (Chapman ornaments) are dissatisfied with the small circle system, boldly launched a “referendum election leader.” In order to be supported with the help of the brother and protege of each pile, and A seven wolves all show strength, a good show to the parties, they expose each other black materials. When the amount of crack head collapse heap of words to win, veteran troops god Lord (Anthony Wong) and exactly what conspiracy behind it?

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Yanto Hwang